File and Win Your VA Disability Compensation Claim -
5 “Proven” Steps
Your Body Your Claim Your Money
Your Body Your Claim Your Money
Powerful, Educational, Step-By-Step, On Demand,
Online Video Guide. In the Comfort of Your Own Home!
What makes MAX VA Disability different?
Black Hawk Bryan’s military career spanned over three decades both on Active Duty and the National Guard. Please check out the ABOUT page for Black Hawk Bryan’s story.
There is NO substitute for experience! Black Hawk Bryan gets down to business showing you how to win your VA Claim the first time.
The GOAL at MAX VA Disability is to be your first and last stop when you need help starting, filing, and finishing your VA Disability Claim without any hidden fees or “Back Pay” charges. This proven “5 Step Process” was also designed to eliminate, in most cases, any future needs for an attorney or an Independent Medical Opinion (IMO), better known as a NEXUS letter! Why spend your hard earned money if you don’t need to?
Please click on the video above for an introduction on how together, we will achieve your goals.
Compare MAX VA Disability with “ANY” other site on the internet, especially the fees they charge. This site provides the same information you need to do the work yourself. The small “one time” fee on this site provides “Lifetime” access to multiple VIDEO modules that walk you through the entire VA Claims process from start to finish. This is Black Hawk Bryan’s proven “5 Step Process”.
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Self Paced
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Like Having a “BOOK” on a Video Platform. No Reading!